Grandes Conférences AHP: Martin Kusch on Georg Simmel between Philosophy and Sociology

Samedi 15 mai 2021 (Jour entier) - Vendredi 28 mai 2021 (Jour entier)


Le cycle des Grandes Conférences des Archives Henri Poincaré est conçu comme un espace de rencontre entre chercheurs et grand public. Il couvre de nombreux champs disciplinaires : philosophie, épistémologie, éthique, histoire des sciences et des techniques, histoire des institutions, sociologie des sciences et des organisations, etc.

Nous vous invitons dans ce cadre à écouter l'exposé présenté par

Martin Kusch

Université de Vienne, Autriche

«Georg Simmel’s Relativism: Proto-Analytic Epistemology, Genealogy, and Jewish Philosophy»


26 mai 2021, 18h

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Georg Simmel’s work on various forms of relativism is both one of the most original and one of the least-known contributions to early-twentieth-century German-language philosophy. In this paper, I shall offer a new interpretation of Simmel’s relativism, focusing mainly on his opus magnum, Die Philosophie des Geldes of 1900.

My interpretation has two parts corresponding to Simmel’s two rather different projects vis-à-vis relativism: first, Simmel’s defence of epistemic relativism in terms familiar from analytic philosophy; and second, Simmel’s attempt to justify relativism genealogically by showing that it is the natural outcome of developments in the natural and social sciences, as well as in financial capitalism and the modes of thinking it encourages.

The second project -- the “genealogy of relativism”, as I shall call it -- is, amongst other things, a response to two highly influential tropes in 19th-and-early-20th-century German and Austrian antisemitism: to wit, that the Jews are responsible for anything-goes-relativism on the one hand, and ruthless capitalism and socialism on the other hand. Simmel turns these tropes around: the Jewish relativist philosopher and social theorist is perfectly placed both to analyse the problems of the modern economy and culture, and to offer a way of escaping some of its problematic effects. In this way, Simmel at least implicitly presents relativism as a key pillar of Jewish philosophy.


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Date de l'événement: 
Mercredi 26 mai 2021 - 18:00
en ligne