Seminar in political psychology: A.Archer, B.Engelen & A.Thomas on Rentier Capitalism and Well Being

Lundi 10 janvier 2022 (Jour entier) - Jeudi 10 mars 2022 (Jour entier)


Nous vous invitons à une séance du séminaire pluridisciplinaire organisé par
– Archives Henri Poincaré - Philosophie et Recherches sur les Sciences et les Technologies
– laboratoire INTERPSY
– Laboratoire Lorrain de Psychologie et Neurosciences de la dynamique des comportements (2LPN)
– Institut François Gény

PSYCHOLOGIE POLITIQUE Entre philosophie et passions (P4)

/Political psychology: between passions and philosophy (P4)
Monthly seminar at the Lorraine University, Nancy, France/


Alfred Archer (Tilburg University)
Bart Engelen (Tilburg University)
Alan Thomas (University of York)

Rentier Capitalism and Its Impact on Human Well-being.

The Easterlin Paradox Revisited

Monday March 7, 2022, à 18h30 (CET/Paris time) on Zoom

Both the lecture and the discussion will be in English. It will start at 6:30 PM (Paris time), on Monday, March 7, 2022.
L'exposé et la discussion auront lieu en anglais.

Register here (a zoom link will be sent before the event)

Facebook event 



Political psychology is a discipline which, from its origins, has been conceived as multidisciplinary: this project therefore proposes the setting up of an interdisciplinary and exploratory seminar around the questions raised by this field of research which is only just beginning to develop. Social philosophy, the dominant approach in political philosophy in France today, focuses on the systemic aspects of society that largely determine the psychology of individuals.
This approach, which seems to us to be structuring, deserves to be complemented by another one, more interested in individual psychology, in the understanding of its complexity, enlightened by various theories (epistemology, morality, political theories), and by personal factors, influencing the reception of the theoretical components.

We would like to use our cross-disciplinary skills in philosophy, psychology, law and politics to explore the field - political psychology - whose contemporary developments continue to question us.

The seminar is organised under the auspices of the French Society for Legal and Political Philosophy and Theory - SFPJ.



  • Anna C. Zielinska, MFC au département de philosophie & chercheuse aux Archives Henri Poincaré – Philosophie et Recherches sur les Sciences et les Technologies
  • Vincent Berthet, MCF au département de psychologie et chercheur au Laboratoire Lorrain de Psychologie et Neurosciences de la dynamique des comportements (2LPN)
  • Romain Lebreuilly, MCF au département de psychologie & chercheur au laboratoire InterPsy.
  • En collaboration avec Frédéric Géa, professeur de droit & chercheur à l’Institut François Geny. 
Sur la page d'accueil
Date de l'événement: 
Lundi 7 mars 2022 - 18:30