State of play. Monthly debate in English. December: Race?!
English-speaking interdisciplinary discussions at the CLSH, University of Lorraine, Nancy.
Organized by the Department of Philosophy and the English Studies Department.
Join us for the third of a series of debates about crucial and controversial contemporary topics!
RACE ISSUES – Who won the World Cup?
Cf. our facebook page
US-based South African comedian Trevor Noah has famously stated that "Africa won the World Cup". After several criticisms (one coming from the French Ambassador in the US), he added: "When I am saying, 'They are African', I am not saying it as a way to exclude them from their Frenchness, but using it as a way to include them in my Africanness."
The discussion that surrounded Noah's statements will be a pretext to try to understand the difference in perception of racial and cultural identity in the US and in France.
Is the French official color-blindness a virtue or a vice? Does it help to fight racism or, on the contrary, it ignores the realities of race and racism altogether?
Will participate to the discussion:
– Jeremy Tranmer & Richard Somerset from the English Studies Department
– Anna C. Zielinska from the Philosophy Department
– Mike Latham from the IUT Charlemagne
Bring your experience and knowledge – and speak with us in English!
It will be a wonderful exercice for non-native English speakers and an opportunity to follow contemporary campus-style discussions for those of you who already master the language.
The event welcomes all audiences, as far as they are willing to engage into an open debate on often controversial topics.
Upcoming debates
- March 6, 2019. Political correctness: is there a problem?
- April 3, 2019. Evolutionary brain and Religion
- May 2, 2019. What are Universities for?